This is the time of year when temperatures start to fall and many families in our communities turn up the heat. Low-income families don’t always have that option because these household pay 14% of their annual incomes for energy compared with 3.5% of most households. Many low-income families have been trying to catch up with bills because of the last year’s high-fuel prices or are struggling just to have their services reconnected. In fact many of the families are considering how they will make it through the winter without heat.
Community Services Consortium’s (CSC) Weatherization Assistance Program serving Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties addresses these daily energy concerns. The benefits provided through CSC’s Weatherization Assistance Program are many. The program reduces the energy cost by providing free weatherization services to low-income homeowners and renters by installing cost-effective and energy efficiency measures.
While everone’s home is different, it’s possible for a typical household to save $300 or more a year in energy costs through weatherization. During the last 30 years, CSC’s Weatherization program has helped to make over 7,300 homes safer, warmer and less expensive to live in. The dollar savings alone make a big difference for the families.
Remember: Saving energy means saving money!
You can save energy in your home by taking these steps :
· Turn off lights, computers and other electronic appliance when not in use.
· Lower the thermostat and dress warmer. Turn your thermostat down at night and whenever the house is not occupied. Try 68 degrees F during the day and 55 degrees at night.
· Lower the temperature on your electric water heater to 120 degrees F. Turn it off when leaving for extended periods of time.
· Take short showers instead of baths.
· Wash full loads of clothes; use warm or cold water to wash, cold water to rinse.
· Clean dryer lint filter after every use.