The community minded artists from Newport donated their work. They were also assisted by film-maker, Devin robinson. Community Services Consortium and CSC's Lincoln County Head Start Program are honored to be a recipient of their creativity.
Community Services Consortium
Serving Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties in Oregon. Helping people. Changing lives.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Artists Donate Mural For Lincoln City Head Start Site
The community minded artists from Newport donated their work. They were also assisted by film-maker, Devin robinson. Community Services Consortium and CSC's Lincoln County Head Start Program are honored to be a recipient of their creativity.
Monday, April 11, 2011
CSC Honors Dean-Stephen-Kauffman in Lincoln City

Eleven of Dean-Stephen's family from San Francisco and from around the State came to participate in the festivities. CSC governing board members and Lincoln County Commissioners Bill Hall and Don Lindly, Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson, CSC Executive Director Martha Lyon, and Annie Soto, Executive Director of Head Start Lane County all spoke of the life-long philanthropic work of Dean-Stephens.
CSC Lincoln County Head Start Director Suzanne Miller was the Master of Ceremony, "This is our chance to honor and thank Dean-Stephen Kauffman, he is an exceptional humanitarian and has been an extraordinary mentor to parents and staff at Head Start." A plaque that dedicates the school building to him will hang in the school vestibule.
A Unique Way of Helping The Community
In addition, Mike recycles the pull-tabs to give to the Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center for dialysis patients who can't afford supplies. They give credit to Gary Lebeau, who started the project before he retired. Emely and Mike have continued the work alone after losing a couple helpers, but Emely says they welcome any volunteers who are ready to help their community. They are continually seeking additional sources of empties, so this project can continue and expand.
If you would like to help this effort or contribute empties, just contact Mike and Emely at They will arrange to pick up your empties if you're in the immediate Corvallis area. The empties should be rinsed and clean.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Albany Heart to Heart Resource Fair
Homeless Enrichment And Rehabilitation Team Thursday, May 12 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Albany Boys & Girls Club, 1215 Hill St. SE Learn about: jobs housing medical help food stamps getting identification addiction treatment and recovery insurance for children and teens services for homeless veterans Get: bike repair, a haircut, reading glasses, sunscreen, first-aid and grooming supplies, new socks, lunch, pet supplies, blood preassure checks. For Information: (541) 917-7505 Presented by City of Albany and Community Services Consortium
Helping at the Linn Benton Food Share Warehouse

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