August 5 and 12,
1:00pm to 5:00 pm
At: Beacon Crest Apartments,
Oceanspray Center
2897 NE 47th St.
Lincoln City
Please register by calling 866-245-1780 or E-mailing blarsen@communityservices.us
• Search for and evaluate homes
• Work on damaged credit and evaluate credit worthiness
• Work with housing industry professionals
• Gain knowledge and confidence with the home purchase process
• Learn about financing the purchase of your home and learn about loan products for low-income homebuyers
• Learn how to close on a purchase and protect your investment
Serving Linn, Lincoln and Benton Counties as the Regional Housing Center since 2004, Community Housing Services(CHS) is the center for access to home ownership and housing resources.
CHS provides information and access to low and moderate income individuals and families for homeownership, home rehabilitation, and educational programs available from the housing providers in the Tri-County area.
CHS helps encourage a vibrant and thriving community by providing counseling on homeownership and foreclosure prevention, workshops on home buying and financial fitness, and connecting current and potential homeowners to resources, including Individual Development Accounts.