The youth are learning professionalism team work, customer service and leadership in addition to trade skills in the construction field. All of the students on the crew had to pass a math test and interview precess to be chosen for the old firehall construction job. Most of the crew are working on their GED’s or picking up classes to finish their education for high school graduation.
The former Public Safety Building, now owned by the Port of Toledo, shows the work finished and underway by the CSC crew under the supervision of crew leader, Peter Lohanyay. The crew have sheet rocked, plastered, and are now preparing surfaces for paint. Port Employees are working along with the student crew to prepare the building for economic development.

“It is programs like this, where you can see how proud this young crew is of their work, that will be responsible for keeping our youngsters in their community,” said Evelyn Roth, the State Oregon Education and Workforce Youth Liaison, “They will have the skills they need to earn a living right here in their home town.”

Jon Holbrook, Whitney Clef, Evelyn Roth, Dee Teem, John Asher and Commissioner Bill Hall in the refurbished building.
The next project on the list for the Port of Toledo and the CSC Youth Construction crew will be the construction of a floating boat house which will be used as a classroom and workspace for a local youth boating club.
The CSC Youth Construction Crew is funded in large part by the Oregon Youth Conservation Corp’s Oregon Youth Employment initiative grant. CSC provides additional project support through Workforce Investment Act funds and a grant from Lincoln County Economic Development funds is supporting $10,000 for equipment, materials and supplies for the Art Park.
Community Services Consortium (CSC) is the state-designated Community Action Agency serving Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties. CSC provides a wide range of services to low and moderate income individuals and families. CSC helps with employment, job training skills, food, housing, weatherization, housing rehabilitation, education and volunteer opportunities. For more information, or to support CSC and its many programs, please contact the Newport Office at 265-8505 or the administrative office at (541) 752-1010 or visit www.communityservices.us.