Photo Right, Dean Stephen and Suzanne Miller.
A CSC Head Start event to honor Dean-Stephen Kauffman couldn’t have picked a nicer day on April 8th. The sun was shining and over 80 people came to honor the Lincoln County Head Start benefactor. Because Dean-Stephen's work has been so instrumental in bringing the Head Start School in Lincoln City to a high level of parental involvement and academic achievement, the school was named in his honor.
Eleven of Dean-Stephen's family from San Francisco and from around the State came to participate in the festivities. CSC governing board members and Lincoln County Commissioners Bill Hall and Don Lindly, Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson, CSC Executive Director Martha Lyon, and Annie Soto, Executive Director of Head Start Lane County all spoke of the life-long philanthropic work of Dean-Stephens.
CSC Lincoln County Head Start Director Suzanne Miller was the Master of Ceremony, "This is our chance to honor and thank Dean-Stephen Kauffman, he is an exceptional humanitarian and has been an extraordinary mentor to parents and staff at Head Start." A plaque that dedicates the school building to him will hang in the school vestibule.
Eleven of Dean-Stephen's family from San Francisco and from around the State came to participate in the festivities. CSC governing board members and Lincoln County Commissioners Bill Hall and Don Lindly, Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson, CSC Executive Director Martha Lyon, and Annie Soto, Executive Director of Head Start Lane County all spoke of the life-long philanthropic work of Dean-Stephens.
CSC Lincoln County Head Start Director Suzanne Miller was the Master of Ceremony, "This is our chance to honor and thank Dean-Stephen Kauffman, he is an exceptional humanitarian and has been an extraordinary mentor to parents and staff at Head Start." A plaque that dedicates the school building to him will hang in the school vestibule.