Community Services Consortium
Serving Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties in Oregon. Helping people. Changing lives.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Newspaper And Media About CSC
CSC News
CSC YouthBuild help in Gulfport - Northwest Labor Press, 9/4/09
Stimulus pays for weatherization work - Democrat Herald, 8/29/09
Career Tech 'met' AYP - The News Guard, 9/2/09
Grant to help hungry and students - Gazette Times, 8/27/09
Stimulus gave 345 young people work - Gazette Times, 8/24/09
Get your hands dirty - The News Guard, 8/19/09
Youth garden ready for harvest - Gazette Times, 8/18/09
Crew spruces up walking trail off 53rd - Democrat Herald, 8/7/09
Happy over new trail - Democrat Herald, 8/6/09
Senior aid group gets $2,550 grant - Democrat Herald, 7/31/09
Monument marks lake’s progress - Lebanon Express, 7/14/09
Senior Housing Meetings Planned - Gazette Times, 7/6/09
Gleaners take to fields amid recession - Statesman Journal, 7/6/09
Editorial: County leads on homeless issue - Gazette Times, 7/8/09
Stimulus puts young people to work - Democrat Herald, 7/6/09
Programs to help renters keep housing - Gazette Times, 7/3/09
Jobs-fair matches youth and business - Democrat Herald, 6/30/09
Garden of Eaton: Earth's Gifts - The Missoulian, 6/30/09
Corvallis help agency gets $600K-plus - Gazette Times, 6/15/09
CSC program eases chill of job market - Gazette Times, 6/19/09
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Two New Directors at CSC
Miller worked in program management and with children and families in areas of advocacy, counseling, and outreach. As Executive Director of a domestic violence coalition, she was responsible for shelter for women and children, court advocacy, counseling, and coordination with other social service agencies. She was the Director of the Children’s Program of the Hospice of Marin in California where she implemented clinical and educational programs and services for children. Miller comes from a large family with lots of nephews and nieces. She lives in Gleneden Beach.
Martin came from CSC’s Community Housing Resources program where he worked on a variety of projects including two housing projects in Newport which will provide 18 units of housing for homeless families and individuals. In addition, he helped organize the Lincoln Community Land Trust. Before his move to Oregon, Martin held the position of Director of Administrative Services for the city of Huntington Beach in California. Martin and his wife, Roxie, have three children and live in Corvallis.
“We welcome Suzanne and Clay and their wealth of relevant experience to CSC,” said Martha Lyon, CSC’s Executive Director. “Both our new directors have the talent to help their departments grow to new heights.”
New Hires ...
With apologies to new employees who joined us prior to July 2009, only those hired on or after July 1 are included in this post. Subsequent blog entries will begin with October hires and continue on.
- Allison Wright, Project Instructor 1, W&E
- Karen Sky, Accounting Tech, Admin
- Dennis Feeny, Project Instructor 1, W&E
- John Deeds, Weatherization Tech, Housing
- David Condell, Project Instructor I, W&E
- Jon Polansky, Housing Resource Coordinator, Housing
- Jerrid Maxon, Weatherization Tech, Housing
- Terron Scott Andrews, Weatherization Tech, Housing
- Colleen Dyrud, OS II (Food Share Clerk), LBFS
- Richard Flacco, Weatherization Tech, Housing
- Heather Bedtelyon, Project Instructor I, W&E
- Randall McKay, Network Specialist I, IT
- Lauren Myers, Teacher II/ Advocate, Head Start
- Diana Warren, Health & Family Services Asst, Head Start
- Amy-Rose Simpson, Office Specialist I, Admin
- Melissa Branch, Teacher II/ Advocate, Head Start
- Elisabeth Landers, Project Instructor I, W&E
- Stephanie Green, Energy Education Coordinator, ES
- Clay Martin, W&E Director, W&E
- Suzanne Miller, Head Start Director, Head Start
- Dwayne Dryden, Project Instructor I, W&E
- Ryan Lacy, Project Instructor I, W&E
We're excited to have you with us; should you ever have non-program-related questions or concerns for which you are not able to find answers, please don't hesitate to contact us in the Administration office (located in Corvallis) -- 541-752-1010.
Welcome aboard!Eight Honored With Presidential Service Awards
You are Cordially Invited ...
Document Rollout
When: Friday October 23, 2009
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Where: Corvallis Benton County Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis
Homeless Connect
When: Friday, October 23, 2009
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Where: First Christian Church, 660 SW Madison Av
• Information on Housing • Free Haircuts • Dental Van • Information on Jobs • Reading Glasses • Getting Identification • Bicycle Safety Checks • Information on Food Stamps • Veterans Representative • And much more!
Lunch will be available!
For more information please contact Amy-Rose Simpson (541) 758-2604 or Joann Zimmer (541) 758-2647.
We hope to see you there!
CSC's ‘Building Bridges’ AmeriCorps*VISTA Program Launches its Fourth Year
The CSC ‘Building Bridges’ AmeriCorps*VISTA program launched its fourth year in mid August 2009. We welcomed eleven new VISTA members to Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties. They joined 3 remaining members who will finish in December. The VISTA team is focused on capacity building efforts that will help alleviate poverty in our area. They are fundraising; grant writing, working with volunteers, developing new programs, writing new policies and procedures and much more!
Since the start of the CSC ‘Building Bridges’ program in 2005, the VISTA members have recruited 870 new community volunteers who have served for almost 25,000 hours. The members have also generated $1.4 million in cash and non-cash resources for their agencies. In addition, numerous collaborations and partnerships have been developed and new programs have been created.
2009-2010 CSC ‘Building Bridges’ AmeriCorps*VISTA Host Sites
Albany InReach Services
Albany Partnership for Housing and Community Development
CSC-Santiam Wilderness Academy
CSC-Youth Garden Project
CDDC – Project Action
Jackson Street Youth Shelter
Lincoln Commission on Children and Families
Linn-Benton Housing Authority
Linn County Sheriff’s Department
Parent Enhancement Program
Strengthening Rural Families
Boys and Girls Club of Corvallis
Head Start of Lincoln County
Oregon Cascade West Council of Governments
If you have an interest in hosting an AmeriCorps*VISTA member or want to learn more about CSC’s ‘Building Bridges’ program, please contact Tifani Erpelding at 541-758-2641 or Tom Cope at 541-758-2646.
Welcome to CSC's blog and e-newsletter!
These communications tools can be used to make announcements, acknowledge donors and volunteers, post videos and slideshows–whatever we want to share with our online community.
There are 3 ways to deliver info to stakeholders:
- The blog itself, which can be linked to our current website
- Email news blasts (blog articles sent via email as eNewsletters)
- RSS Feed (subscribers read in Google Reader or other feed reader, can also send posts to Facebook and Twitter)
If you have agency/program information you'd like posted on this blog, please send full text and/or photos and videos, ideas, or suggestions to Janet Hessel and she will take the next steps.