Community Services Consortium has partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Santiam and the Lebanon School District to give at-risk students the support needed to complete their educations and a chance to gain valuable job and leadership skills in an innovative new program aimed at stopping cycles of poverty.
Photo courtesy Mark Ylen/Albany Democrat-Herald |
The Training Teens for Tomorrow Program kicked off this month with 33 students participating. The program is made possible by a grant from the State of Oregon. The students were identified by the Lebanon School District as having a risk of dropout, as well as having potential for success in an alternative program.
Students complete mostly online classes at the Lebanon High School Alternative Education Center each morning, where instructors are available for support. The self-paced program works well for many students, with an attendance rate of 85%.
After working on classes, students focus on the job skills training portion of the program. Each student completes a 60-hour work experience, either volunteering at local businesses and schools or working at a job. The program provides pre-employment training, teaching good work habits and how to be a good employee.
After completing the Training Teens for Tomorrow program, students can transition to a workforce program where they create a post-secondary plan. The Beyond LHS program involves a paid 120-hour work experience and opportunities to earn college credits.
“The goal is for every student to complete their education and get the skills they need to participate in the workforce, which is critical for nipping poverty in the bud.” said Denise Downer, Principal Youth Advisor with Community Services Consortium.
To learn more about the program, click
here to read the feature story in the Albany Democrat-Herald.
To support this CSC program please visit and click donate or contact Dee Teem at 541-574-2277 to talk about volunteering or other opportunities.