Hunger• Oregon ranks third in the nation in hunger—
U.S. Department of Agriculture• 6.6 percent of Oregon households between 2007 and 2009 experienced times when they were hungry but did not eat because there was not enough money to buy food—USDA. 2009
• Nationally, 50 million Americans lived in households that were food insecure—the highest rate since the government started surveying in 1995.—
USDA 2009• Thirty percent of emergency food box recipients in Oregon said they have had to cut their kids’ meals during the year---37 percent of these families report that this happens every month. Comparative numbers for 2008 were 27 and 30 percent. —
Oregon Food Bank 2009 Hunger Factors AssessmentUnemployment• Over 10,000 persons were unemployed in Linn and Benton counties every month for the last two year. In early 2008 there were less than 5,200 unemployed.
• Linn County’s unemployment rate was 14.3% and Benton’s was 7.5% in September 2010.—
WorkSourceOregon November 2010Economy•More than 20 percent of Americans were economically insecure in 2009.
•More than 15 of every one hundred Americans lost one-third of their income last year.
•Seven percent of Americans lost over half their income in 2009.
•A majority of Americans are struggling financially, with 61 percent saying they are living paycheck to paycheck. —
Food links America 2010Social Security• Total Beneficiaries: 58.7 million
• Average monthly Social Security payment $1,072.
• Social Security is the primary source of income for 64 percent of recipients.
• One third of recipients rely on Social Security for at least 90 percent of their income.—
Social Security AdministrationForeclosures• Oregon has the country’s third highest foreclosure rate in 2010.
• By January 2010, 22,000 Oregon residents were either in foreclosure or over 90 days delinquent on their mortgage payments.
• Two and a half million Americans have lost their homes during the housing bust.
• Five to six million more are currently in foreclosure or seriously delinquent. —
Oregonian July 2010Linn Benton Food Share• Distributed 4,693,356 pounds of food to our 74 member agencies from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.
• Emergency food pantries in Linn and Benton counties distributed 42,366 food boxes to 145,997 individuals during this time period.
• Soup kitchens and shelters served 261,118 meals in our two county area during FY 2009-10.