Lincoln Community Land Trust (LCLT) has built its second home! Everyone is invited to view the fully remodeled 1940's charmer at an open house and ribbon cutting on Thursday, November 1st.
Refreshments will be served and exciting gifts available at the raffle. The presentation and light refreshments begin at 5:00 p.m., followed by the ribbon-cutting ceremony and cake at 5:30 p.m., and the raffle at 6:00 p.m. A walkthrough of the home will follow the raffle.
Please mark your calendars and invite others to come be part of this celebration for affordable homeownership in Lincoln County! Please contact Ben Baggett at to RSVP.
LCLT makes homes available to hard working individuals and families of Lincoln County who deserve the option of homeownership. A community land trust home benefits the
community by making one more affordable home available from one generation to another to enjoy.
It lasts because the homeowner, in return for the below market home price and affordable mortgage payments, agrees that when ready to sell their home they give the next home buyer the same opportunity to buy the home at a rate that is affordable.
Community land trust homes across the nation also make homeownership a reality for those ready, but that have insufficient income or difficulty finding a mortgage to purchase a traditional market rate home.
Community land trust homes can act as a bridge between rent and traditional home ownership. On average in the United States, 70% of community land trust home owners eventually go on to purchase traditional market rate homes.