Hendrix Heating owners Carla & Roger Kaminga contacted CSC Housing Finance Specialist Kathy Stroud to ask for the names of some low-income households that were on the waiting list for furnace replacements. After identifying and getting permission from clients that were living with no heat source, Hendrix Heating then contacted the families and gave them the gift of heat - new furnaces or heat pumps.
"Over the years we've been serving CSC clients, we've seen so many folks that are in such need, and due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, they've had to wait a long time just to get a consistent source of heat in their home. Roger and I truly believe that God has placed us in the position we're in and it's our responsibility to try to manage what He's given us in a way that honors Him and blesses others whenever possible." said Carla.
"We found ourselves in the position to be able do a little extra this year and were glad that CSC was able to give us a list of people that needed help. It is such a blessing to be able to share with someone that we're going to come out and help them get heat in their home (maybe for the first time in
months) for FREE! All of the people we were able to help were so sweet. After the initial shock, there were tears, thank you cards, prayers, baked goods, and promises to "pay it forward". In the end smiles all around both on their end and ours. Good stuff!" said Carla.
CSC is so thankful to have such kind, generous partners like Hendrix Heating. Thank you for your amazing generosity!