The Workforce and Education Summer Youth Employment Program of Community Services Consortium (CSC) has been selected to present two workshops at the Youth Development Symposium sponsored by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP). The symposium titled Reinvesting in Youth will take place December 7th through the 9th in Chicago, Illinois.
“This is an honor and it is recognition of our outstanding Summer Youth Program,” said Martha Lyon, Executive Director of Community Services Consortium. The Program was funded in part by stimulus funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Green Energy Grows Rural Youth Weatherization Crew, one of the workshops, will focus on how CSC and its partners put together Workforce and Education and Weatherization/Housing Rehabilitation programs to expand their weatherization work crews, combat a high unemployment rate and develop a youth training program. The second workshop, Collaboration Counts in Rural Youth Employment Programs, will show how Workforce & Education multiplied their Summer Youth Employment Program by 600% in 30 days using initiative and innovation.
“We applaud all of our 358 youths for their hard work,” said Clay Martin, Director of the Workforce and Education Program. “Now their stories will be heard in Chicago. Several crew members will be with us to speak about their experience firsthand. We are the only agency from Oregon invited to make a presentation.”