The CSC ‘Building Bridges’ program welcomes Lauren Berentes as a new participant in the AmeriCorps*VISTA program. She will be working with community leaders to coordinate a new Regional Task Force to develop a
10-Year Plan to address housing and homelessness in Linn, Benton, and
Lincoln counties.
The Regional 10-Year Plan will collaborate efforts of 'Building Bridges’ AmeriCorps*VISTAs Michael Spinello (Linn County), Jessica Stallings (Benton County), and Elise Jordan (Lincoln County) alongside regional community members to complete the project. The completed working document will identify service gaps, determine appropriate strategies to address housing and homelessness, provide timelines for implementation, and establish methods for evaluating progress throughout the region.
Berentes was formerly Grants Manager and Volunteer Coordinator for Horizon House, a homeless center in Indianapolis, Indiana.
For more information contact Lauren Berentes at 541-928-6335 ext. 328 or