Andrew Tartella, a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) representative, will be available to answer questions about changes to Medicare enrollment periods and benefits. Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers are encouraged to attend.
Newport:The Newport Church of the Nazarene at 227 Northwest 12th Street, Newport, OR will host an informational meeting on Medicare at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25. (541) 265-6684
Richard Reynolds, a Newport resident and local volunteer with the Oregon Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program, a senior advocacy group for Medicare, will explain the different parts of Medicare. The purpose of the workshop is to provide seniors with a better understanding of Medicare and allow them to make an informed decision as to their own needs.
Linn & Benton Counties
Albany: Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance – SHIBA – is holding a “New to Medicare” class on Thursday, August 27 from 3 pm to 5 pm at the Albany CSC offices at 250 Broadalbin SW in Albany. The class will be offered on the second floor in the Large Conference Room.
The class is open to anyone who will be eligible for Medicare within a few months or is new to Medicare. We will cover the basics of Medicare A, B, C and D. Beneficiaries will better understand their Medicare benefits and learn how to choose a supplemental insurance plan that best meets their individual needs.
Corvallis: The same class will be offered in Benton County on Wednesday, September 14, from 3 - 4:50 pm at LBCC Benton Center Room 204, 757 Northwest Polk Avenue, Corvallis.
Reservations are required in Linn and Benton county workshops. To reserve a seat please call the CSC RSVP office at 541-812-0849
SHIBA is sponsored in Linn and Benton counties by Linn-Benton RSVP, a program of Community Services Consortium.