Every gift makes a difference to a local family living in poverty, hunger, and homelessness, as well as giving people hope for tomorrow through education and job training. Donations support Linn Benton Food Share, Head Start of Lincoln County, Community Housing Services, Utility Assistance, CSC Youth Garden, CSC YouthBuild, Career Tech Charter School and CSC’s other education and job training programs.

For gifts made on behalf of a loved one, CSC will send a hand-written holiday card letting the recipient know about the gift in their name. All gift givers will receive a donation receipt for their tax-deductible gift.
“We so appreciate the generosity of our local community,” said CSC Community Relations Director Diana Teem. “Your gifts bring smiles, light and warmth into the lives of people struggling with poverty in your own community. Thank you for making a real difference, and happy holidays from all of us at Community Services Consortium!”
Community Services Consortium (CSC) is the Community Action Agency serving Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties with housing, nutrition, economic stability, and educational assistance programs since 1980.
To support any of CSC’s poverty-fighting programs and services, visit our website at www.communityservices.us. Donations may be made through our website or mailed to our main office: Community Services Consortium, 245 Broadalbin Street, Suite 2A, Albany, OR 97321.