SHIBA trained counselors:
· Provide confidential service
· Provide assistance to Medicare beneficiaries with unbiased information regarding health insurance decisions
· Provide advocacy services for consumers with claims, appeals and complaints
Preregistration is required. To register for any of the dates and locations
please call 541-812-0849
Corvallis: April 19, 2012 1:30-3:30pm Timberhill Athletic Club
2855 NW 29th S Street, Corvallis
Sweet Home: May 10, 2012 10am-noon Sweet Home Senior Center
880 18th Avenue, Sweet Home
Corvallis: June 21, 2012 1:30-3:30pm LBCC Benton Center
757 NW Polk Avenue, Albany
SHIBA (Senior health Insurance Benefits Assistance is a Community Services Consortium’s RSVP Program