The Corvallis Clinic invites you to the Senior Health Insurance Fair.
This is a chance to review all your options, including traditional Medicare, Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans. All three of them offer different benefits, some that exceed basic Medicare coverage.
• AlbanyWednesday, Oct. 12
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
The Corvallis Clinic at Waverly Drive
1705 Waverly Dr.
• CorvallisWednesday, Oct. 26
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Asbury Building Lobby
3680 NW Samaritan Dr.
You may contact any of the insurance providers listed below and have them send you the complete details about their Medicare health insurance programs.
• AARP Medicare Complete Secure Horizons by United Healthcare, 1-800-533-2743
• Regence MedAdvantage, 1-800-228-0978,
• Samaritan Advantage, 541-768-4550 or 1-800-317-7489
• ODS Health Plans, 503-243-3948 or 1-800-852-5195
• Providence Medicare Choice or Extra (location limitations may apply) 1-800-878-4445
• Medicare, 1-800-633-4227
Linn -Benton RSVP, a program of CSC will have a table at the Senior Health Fair.