A program for elementary age kids to learn about different energy resources and smart energy use at school and home did so well last year in one 4th grade classroom at Waverly Elementary School in Albany that it will spread this year to all of the school’s 4th and 5th grades and one 3rd grade class.
Stephanie Bugni, Community Services Consortium’s Energy Education Coordinator, has been working on The Energy Smarts Team program, for the past two years thanks to the generous funding of NW Natural. The Energy Smarts Team piloted in Melissa Straughan’s 4th grade classroom at Waverly last year was so successful, the class got the whole school involved in energy savings. They patrolled their school as part of the program looking for smart energy use, and they left reminders for energy wasters.
With NW Naturals continued support, CSC provided the participating classrooms with copies of the Energy Smarts Team teacher’s guide, activity guides for every students, and enough school supplies to do all the activities in the Energy Smarts Team program!
CSC hopes to see the Energy Smarts Team program spread to new schools and organizations in the future. We would like to give a big thank you to NW Natural for all their support on this project.
If you would like more information on the Energy Smarts Team contact Stephanie Bugni at 541-758-2639 or sbugni@communityservices.us.