CSC's evaluation in part from Oregon Housing and Community Services:
To: Martha Lyon, Executive Director of Community Services Consortium
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) recently conducted a review evaluation and desk audit of the first units initiated for the Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers(SERC) program with CSC on June 9th, 2011.
The purpose of the evaluation is to identify an agencys strengths and innovations, formulate practical and constructive recommendations for improvements and to provide on site training and technical assistance.
OHCS reviewed and assessed your agency’s ability to maintain its eligibility to receive federal and state funds, as well as your ability to operate according to terms of applicable laws, regulations, contractual obligations, policies and guidelines.
Priorities of SERC (From EISA Section 411(b))
1) Cost-effectiveness to low- and moderate-income families
2) Potential for replication of successful results
3) Impact on health and safety and energy costs
4) Extent of partnerships, including financial partnerships
Evaluation Results
Findings:1.There are no findings that require a written response.
Concerns1. There are no concerns that require a written response.
Your staff should be commended on their commitment and great attitude in providing a valued service to your community that saves energy, increases comfort and quality of living.
We find that the staff is well organized, informed and knowledgeable.
We found no existing issues that would prohibit the CSC SERC program from being able to effectively meet the program priorities and provide information for the evaluation.
Ben Baggett is to be commended for his efforts in compiling an effective Request For Proposal(RFP.) This RFP boilerplate was used by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and US Department of Energy (USDOE) as the sample boilerplate that other states could use for their Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers (SERC) PV projects.
The visit was very encouraging and we look forward to seeing the applications and also speaking with contractors at the next monitoring.
Please thank your staff for their professionalism and assistance we received. Their response time was exemplary in meeting our requests for data. If there are any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Dan Elliott, Sustainability Manager
Oregon Housing and Community Services