"The Bank of America Charitable Foundation is pleased to support the important work of Linn Benton Food Share in feeding families,” said Steve Davey, Bank of America Consumer Market Executive for Greater Oregon. “We are committed to the work you do in our local communities and we are happy to participate in helping you this evening.”
Davey joined Corvallis Banking Center Manager Amy Kelsey-Johnson at the Linn Benton Food Share warehouse to present a check for $42,000 to Linn Benton Food Share on behalf of the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. The check was presented to Mike Gibson, Director of Linn Benton Food Share on Monday, February 28.
“The quality of our service depends on the support we get from the community. And that is why this $42,000 grant from Bank of America is so important to our ability to keep shelves stocked with food at our local food pantries and soup kitchens,” said Gibson.
Fifteen Bank of America employees from the Corvallis branch and family members joined the check presentation ceremony and stayed to volunteer to repack food after the event.
The grant funds will support general operating expenses to distribute food to individuals and families in need in Corvallis and surrounding rural areas. They will also help pay for purchasing staple goods for member agencies serving low income people and paying for fuel costs for picking and transporting food to the agencies such as soup kitchens and shelters.
“Thank you Bank of America for providing funding to help Linn Benton Food Share in its mission of reaching out to all sections of our community,” said Corvallis Mayor, Julie Manning. Mayor Manning was joined by Benton County Commissioner, Annabelle Jaramillo and CSC Executive Director, Martha Lyon in thanking Bank of America and volunteers at the warehouse.