Join us for an important community discussion about aging
The Healthy Aging Coalition of Linn and Benton Counties will be holding community forums in Albany, Lebanon, and Corvallis in the first part of 2011. All community members are invited and encouraged to join the conversations on healthy aging in your community. We are planning on hosting three local community discussions, we ask you to consider attending a forum close to your home. Light snacks and beverages will be provided and car-pooling is encouraged.
Albany: Tuesday March 8th, 3pm to 5pm
at the Albany Senior Center, 489 Water Avenue NW
Lebanon: Tuesday March 29th, 3pm to 5pm
at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent Street
Corvallis: Tuesday, February 22nd, 3pm to 5pm
at the Corvallis Senior Center, 26091 NW Tyler Avenue
For more information, contact: Shannon sproctor@ocwcog.org or call (541) 924-4542
This event made possible by a Community Health Priorities grant.