Community Housing Services (CHS) a program of Community Services Consortium (CSC) received a $5,000 grant from The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. to provide foreclosure counseling to residents of Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties.
The grant will allow CHS staff to offer free one-on-one foreclosure intervention counseling for residents at risk of foreclosure because they are coming close to missing their mortgage payments or already in the process of being foreclosed.
“We are extremely pleased to receive this grant from The Bank of America Charitable Foundation at a time when the number of foreclosures in Oregon has risen to 3rd in the country,” said Hatley. “We are one of just a few resources for families to turn to and we appreciate this support of our foreclosure counseling program.”
In addition to foreclosure counseling, Community Housing Services offers weatherization, home rehabilitation loans and home buying and financial fitness classes to low and moderate income persons and families.”