Tara Keuter, 11, holds a bag open as Jaime Viramontes, 11, fills a bag with cereal he scooped out of a box. (Photo by Mark Ylen/Democrat-Herald)
Monday was bittersweet at the Linn Benton Food Share. It was the last day that Karen Sundseth would bring her class from St. Mary's School to volunteer. For the last seven years, one day a month, her fifth-graders have skipped their morning and lunch recesses to spend an hour helping at the food share.
And for the last three years, St. Mary's School has shut down one morning a year so the whole school can volunteer for a couple of hours."This is a great service project and necessary for our community," said Sundseth, who is cutting back next year to substitute teaching so she can care for her ailing mother.
"It also teaches our gospel values, like helping the poor," she said, as well as about problem solving and cooperation in the real world.Susan James, the volunteer and gleaning program coordinator, said Sundseth's class always is a big help.
"Volunteers allow us to accept large quantities of food," James said. "We couldn't do it without our volunteers."
She brought cupcakes and flowers Monday to thank the students and Sundseth for the many years of service. Both James and Sundseth agree that the kids are serious about what they do at the food share.
"They ask great questions about where the food comes from and where it is going," James said.The kids say they enjoy the hour away from class to help the needy.
"This is fun," said Christian Campbell, 11. "I am glad I can help all the people."Alex Delsman, 10, said that it was good for the community.
"These kids just love coming out," Sundseth said.St. Mary's intends to keep the program going, although it hasn't yet selected a teacher to assume Sundseth's role.
Last year, Linn Benton Food Share distributed more than 4.7 million pounds of food to 74 agencies.
To volunteer, call Susan James at 541-758-2645. A Community Repack Open House is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. the last Thursday of every month, which is later this week on May 27.