“We are delighted to receive funding from Trust Management Services,” said Martha Lyon, Executive Director of Community Services Consortium. “It allows us to strengthen our programs and helps us provide uninterrupted services, especially when we are seeing more requests for help.”
CSC’s Linn Benton Food Share received $10,000 to help support the fuel costs for trucking in the Fresh Alliance/Food Rescue program. Six thousand dollars of the money will be used to supply local gleaning programs with gas vouchers. There are forty-eight hundred low-income people in 14 gleaning groups in Linn and Benton counties. Gleaners collect donated food while sharing half with elderly and disabled people as well as community food pantries. The gas vouchers help them with the costs to collect and transport the food.
CSC’s Community Housing Services program received $10,000. “We are receiving a rising number of calls about foreclosure and this grant will stabilize our foreclosure counseling program,” said Tom Hatley, Director of Community Housing Services program. “We can help local residents understand the choices they may have in terms of their mortgage issues.”
Retired Senior Volunteer Program received $8,500 to assist with Senior Peer Counseling, a program that helps people aged 55 and older who are experiencing a difficult time in their lives, whether from a grievous loss, health problem, or a transition from a home they may have lived in for many years.
The Workforce & Education Program is the final program to receive funding in the amount of $10,000 from Trust Management Services. The money will be used by their nonprofit program, Housing Employment and Learning Programs for Self Sufficiency (HELPS) for the Youth Garden Project to purchase supplies and to help pay stipends for youth summer jobs.
Tom Cope, CSC’s Resource Development Officer, said “We appreciate these grants from Trust Management Services to CSC. It helps us provide better services to the people we serve.”
Community Services Consortium (CSC) is the state-designated Community Action Agency serving Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties. CSC provides a wide range of services to low and moderate income individuals and families. CSC helps with employment, job training skills, food, housing, weatherization, housing rehabilitation, education and volunteer opportunities. For more information, or to support CSC and its many programs, please contact the administrative office at (541) 752-1010 or visit www.communityservices.us.