Do you know a college-level student interested in working in community service this summer?
The CSC Building Bridges program is now recruiting a select few AmeriCorps*VISTA members for six summer positions to perform volunteer service across Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties from June 21 to August 20, 2010.
• Summer Associate will work with Benton County Commissioners and other members of the “Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness”. Agency & Location: Benton County, Corvallis OR
• Summer Associate will work with Resource Development officer to implement agency-wide community-based development plan. Agency & Location: CSC, Corvallis, OR
• Summer Associate will support summer work experience and training activities for low-income youth in east Linn County. Agency & Location: CSC's At Risk Youth Program, Lebanon, OR
• Summer Associate will assist with developing a Youth Summit and other community awareness projects. Agency & Location: CSC Workforce and Education program, Newport, OR
• Summer Associate will assist the Homeless Education Literacy Project (HELPS) program coordinator to raise community support for the program. Agency & Location: Lincoln Commission on Children and Families/HELPS, Newport, OR
• Linn County “Gets Ready” Project Coordinator will continue to develop a public relations campaign and other projects. Agency & Location: Linn County Sheriff’s Department, Albany, OR
Benefits will include an $858 monthly living allowance and a $1,132 education award for completion of service.
For more details, contact Jeannie Ramsey at 541-758-2778 or email jramsey@communityservices.us