Liz Young, president of the Walt’s Hillside Honeytree School Board, and fellow board members Mary Jane Munger and Robyn Myers were determined to use the money from the sale of the school building and property to reach as many children as possible. They chose to use the money for programs serving preschool aged children or early childhood programs.
“The board ruled that the money from the sale would go to a 501 (c)3 nonprofit,” said Liz Young. “We wanted to help as many children get preschool in Lincoln County as we could. We felt by splitting the money among programs, we reached more children in our Lincoln county communities.”
CSC’s Lincoln County Head Start was one of the programs to receive a donation. Suzanne Miller, Director of the CSC Lincoln County Head Start Program and Martha Lyon, Executive Director of CSC accepted a donation of $31,445 from the Honey Tree board members at a luncheon held February 18th in Lincoln City.
“Thank you to Walt’s Hillside Honeytree School Board for the generous contribution of $31,445 to help support the classrooms of Head Start, Lincoln County,” said Susanne Miller. “We are grateful for this appreciation of the work that Head Start does to assist children and families in our county to better prepare for their successful futures. We can only succeed with this kind of patronage from our community partners. From the hearts of our children and families, we send our deepest gratitude.”
Head Start is a national program which provides comprehensive developmental services for America's low-income, pre-school children ages three to five and social services for their families. The child focused programs are aimed at increasing the school readiness of young children. Head Start provides services in the areas of education and early childhood development; medical, dental, and mental health; nutrition; and parent involvement.
CSC Head Start of Lincoln County serves 160 children and their families in Toledo, Lincoln City and Newport. For more information, please call Toledo: 336-5113, Lincoln City: 996-3028, or Newport: 574-7690.