The school received a grant to buy a weather bug system; the cameras will go on the North East corner of the building’s roof where the biggest concern is ensuring the weather won’t blow it off the roof.
Requests are coming in from the community about having students help with video projects. The school’s van is all decked out and is good PR when the film crew in out and about in our three different counties.
Enrollment is currently capped, and there are four youth on the waiting list.
Recruitment is on-going for new Advisory Board members. Anyone interested in serving should contact Mark Peery at 541-996-5534.
So What is Career Tech?
Career Tech High School is a workplace simulation, which means that students are "hired" for a quarter at a time. At the end of each quarter, students meet with their family and school staff for a performance evaluation, where productivity (credits earned), attendance, behavior, and employability skills are considered. Students who are making adequate progress are invited to return; most students make adequate progress. Students who are not earning minimum credit requirements are placed on a work plan for the next quarter.
Career Tech History
Back in 1999, Career Tech was called First Resort and was an alternative high school serving a high-risk population of students who were not successful in a regular high school environment. In 2000, the school changed to a charter high school, with the charter granted by the Lincoln County School District and held by CSC. In the years since becoming a charter high school, Career Tech has been continually redefining itself and improving its focus, which is to be a technology-based workplace simulation that provides students with engaging, relevant courses that prepare them for a diploma and train them for success.